evidence-based therapy

Why Analytic Therapy Works

One of the byproducts of our science media’s sea shift toward evidence-based everything is that those of us who work in psychoanalytic psychotherapy are learning a little more about why this form of therapy works so well. Of course we have always taken an ongoing interest in how it works psychologically, but now there are some focused looks at precisely which parts of this process works the best, for the longest. Take, for instance, this recent piece, which tries to unpack why psychotherapy works when it does, and fails when it does. Unsurprisingly, the great benefit of analytic therapy rests on subjectivity, especially the relationship of transference/countertransference that defines the analytic space:

But we should keep things in proportion. Medications are way overused. Psychotherapy is way underused. Drug complications and overdoses are a serious public health problem. Psychotherapy complications are much less common. And much less severe. It would be a better world were there more therapy, less drugs.

Psychoanalytic therapy is a journey, and millions of people have experienced its lasting results. If you want to unpack some of the issues that may be holding you back, contact the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study Center in New York City today.