Applicants for both the Four-Year Psychoanalysis Program and the Three-Year Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program should possess a doctoral or master’s level degree in psychology, social work, education, counseling, nursing or an allied field, providing the degree qualifies for licensing under New York State Law.
We also welcome prospective candidates seeking licensure as psychoanalysts under New York State law. Applicants to the License Qualifying Program should possess a doctorate or master’s degree in fields other than those listed above. This may include health related degrees that do not qualify for separate licensing, or degrees in the humanities, arts, business, etc. Completion of the LP Program qualifies the candidate to sit for the licensing exam in New York State.
Our One-Year Programs, Clinical Journeys and The Child and Adolescent Therapy Program have separate admissions procedures. Please visit their respective pages for more information.
Applicants to all PPSC programs will be evaluated on an individual basis to determine eligibility. All prospective candidates must show a serious interest, ability and willingness to apply themselves to the study of psychoanalytic theory, engage in self-reflection and demonstrate an openness to the emotional growth process expected through analysis, supervision and class participation.
Candidates should submit a non-refundable application fee of $150 along with their initial application material, which consists of the following:
Application form
Three (3) professional letters of reference (personal analysts not accepted)
Graduate (or undergraduate) transcripts (a master’s degree is required for admission)
Additional information regarding an applicant's analyst's credentials, which will be requested directly from the analyst.
A one page statement describing your interest in Psychoanalytic training at PPSC and your future goals.
All of this information should be sent to PPSC and these documents become an official part of the candidate's record.
After the applicant's admission file is complete, all information (excluding the analyst's name, but including the analyst's affiliation) are forwarded to two different members of the PPSC staff. The applicant is given the names and numbers of these staff members and sets up the two separate personal interviews. An additional interview, either individually or in a group format, may also be arranged. In the interviews, discussions will focus on the applicant’s experience with and interest in psychoanalysis, as well as his or her ongoing commitment to psychoanalytic study.
In some cases, a recommendation will be made for part-time or provisional matriculation only. This may be based on a determination that more analysis, supervision, or clinical experience is beneficial for the candidate to get the most out of his or her training experience. Sometimes recommendations for accruing this experience while taking some coursework may be made, and at the end of the first year of training readiness for full-time matriculation will be assessed by the Training Committee.
Candidates may also be asked to accrue a certain amount of clinical experience, personal analysis or to take pre-analytic courses prior to beginning the analytic program proper. Acceptance may be conditional upon fulfillment of such a recommendation, or an applicant may be asked to reapply after the recommended experience is accrued.
PPSC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, national/ethnic origin, or analytic orientation in the administration of its admissions and education policies.