The Three-Year Program in
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
The Three-Year Program provides licensed candidates with a thorough academic grounding in psychoanalytic theory, drawing from contemporary Freudian, modern, object relations, interpersonal, relational, intersubjective and self psychological schools of thought.
This close study of theory and technique is deepened by psychoanalytically-based supervision and the candidate’s own personal analysis. We believe this provides a solid foundation from which candidates can practice effective and quality treatment. Because this program may be undertaken on a part-time basis with classes in the afternoon or the evening, it opens up opportunities for professionals to deepen their analytic skills.
Graduates of the Three-Year Program who are interested in a more intensive and long-term analytic formation can continue in the Four-Year Program and can apply all their coursework, supervision and analysis credits toward the Four-Year Program requirements.
Certificate Requirements
Completion of course work (See Curriculum)
225 hours of personal analysis, 90 of which must be 2x/week, and 45 of which must be prior to admission.
135 hours of individual supervision.
400 hours of clinical control cases, one of which must include a patient seen twice weekly for at least one year.
Case Presentation and Paper.
These requirements are only guidelines, as the exact requirements (available in our handbook) will be reviewed by candidates’ advisors and the PPSC training committee.
Please see the following for more information on our admissions policy and scholarship opportunities.
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If you're ready to apply, click here to download an application.
PPSC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, national/ethnic origin, or analytic orientation in the administration of its admissions and education policies.