PPSC Publications, Presentations, and Awards
PPSC’s core accomplishments since our doors opened in 1986 include the provision of therapy services to over 10,000 clients, the advanced training of over 100 psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists, and over 250 publications by community members in the field of mental health, social work and psychoanalysis. Today, PPSC has 75 faculty members and supervisors, who work with 60 full and part-time candidates. Their personal accomplishments include:
Andrew Blatter, LCSW (Graduate)
First Prize, Diana Siskind Excellence in Writing Award for candidate paper, 2017: “Better Relating Through Chemistry: Holding Breakdown and Mutual Recognition with an Aggressive and Devaluing Patient.”
Lee Crespi, LCSW (Analytic Program Faculty)
“Countertransference love” In Contemporary Psychotherapy Review, Vol.3, Pp86-95, 1986.
“Some thoughts on the role of mourning in the development of a positive lesbian identity” in Dominici, T. and Lesser, R., Disorienting Sexualities, Routledge Press, New York, 1995.
“The baby boom meets the gayby boom: twenty-five years of psychoanalysis in the lesbian community” in Gould, E. and Kiersky, S. (Eds) Sexualities Lost and Found: International Universities Press, 2001.
“And baby makes three: a dynamic look at development and conflict in lesbian families” in Glazer, D. and Drescher, J (Eds), Gay and Lesbian Parenting, Haworth Press, New York, 2001.
“The impact of the legalization of same-sex marriage on the intrapsychic experience of lesbians” 2013 Annual Conference of The Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society.
Johanna Dobrich, MA, LCSW-R (Analytic Program Faculty)
Working with Survivor Siblings in Psychoanalysis (book) — Winner of the 2023 Sandor Ferenczi Award from the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD).
Susie Greenebaum, LCSW (Graduate and Analytic Program Faculty)
First Prize, Diana Siskind Excellence in Writing Award for candidate paper, 2018: “When the Mind is Mindless.”
Valerie Frankfeldt, PhD (Analytic Program Faculty)
“Don’t Call Me Your Jew: Intergenerational Traumatic Fallout on a Non-observant Jew in the Face of American Antisemitism” in Psychoanalytic Perspectives, in press, 2023.
“The Pandemic, the Protests, the Chaos: A destabilizing effect on the analyst” in American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 82(4): 592-617, 2022.
“Digital Communication in Psychoanalysis: An Oxymoron?” in Psychoanalytic Social Work, 27 (1): 1-16, 2020.
“Incongruent Feeling States in Psychoanalysis” in Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 39, (3-4): 268-275, 2019.
Keeping Good Boundaries: Finding Clarity and Negotiating Gray Areas in Clinical Practice, 9/9/23, with David Pauley and Lauren Ginsburg at Learning Lab of PPSC.
Stephen Kosmicki, LCSW (Graduate)
“PPSC Honors Dr. Fred Pine”, National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis News Bulletin, June 1, 2014.
“Awakening: An Enactment,” presentation at the AAPCSW 2023 Biannual Conference.
Jonathan Lebolt, PhD, LCSW, CGP (Graduate)
Presentation on relational practice with LGBTQ patients for the National Association of Social Workers New Jersey Chapter and the Anatolian Association of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists of Turkey.
“Evolution of a Gay Male/Non-Binary Psychoanalyst,” accepted for publication by Psychoanalytic Inquiry.
Judy Levitz, PhD (Analytic Program Faculty)
“The Developmental Moment: Where Theory and Technique Intersect” in Psychoanalytic Social Work, Vol. 25, No.1, 2018.
“Pluralistic Psychoanalytic Approach to Multiple Addictions” in Psychodynamic Approach to Sexuality and Sexual problems. Eds. L. Cierpialkowska and A. Mickiewicz, 2017.
“Relational and Modern Theory - Closer than you think,” PPSC Annex Presentation, Fall 2017.
“The Contact Function Revisited” in Current Trends in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Vol. 1, 2005.
“Is this Normal? Uncovering the Role of Homophobia in Treatment of a Lesbian Couple” in Uncoupling Convention, Drescher and Adercole, eds., The Analytic Press, N.J. 2004.
Leah Lipton, LCSW (Analytic Program Faculty)
“Cutting Out Her Tongue: The Impact of Silencing Trauma through a Nondisclosure Agreement” in Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 55:4, 373-398. 2019. DOI: 10.1080/00107530.2019.1678001.
Presented at ICP in June 2023, and will be presenting through the PPSC Annex in Spring 2024: “Making Contact: Intimate Space, Private Space, Potential Space In-person and via Video.”
Marisa Mickel, LCSW-R (Graduate and Clinical Journeys Faculty)
First Prize, Diana Siskind Excellence in Writing Award for candidate papers, 2021: “Becoming E, Becoming Me: Locating Ourselves and Each Other in a Clinical Experience of Fusion and the Uncanny.” Presented at the 2021 AAPCSW conference.
David Pauley, LCSW (Graduate, Analytic Program and CATP Faculty)
Co-recipient of the 2020 Ralph Roughton Paper Award from the American Psychoanalytic Association.
Pauley, D. & Gulati, R. “Reconsidering Leonardo da Vinci and a Memory of his Childhood” in Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, (68) 3:359-406, 2020.
Pauley, D. “The therapeutics of the fee in psychoanalysis” in Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 29: 560–574, 2019a.
Pauley, D. & Gulati, R. “The half embrace of psychic bisexuality” in Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 67: 97-121, 2019.
Pauley, D. “The negative transitional object: theoretical elaboration and clinical illustration” in Psychoanalytic Dialogues. 28:131-143. 2018a.
Cathy Siebold, DSW (Analytic Program Faculty)
Life Time Achievement Award, AAPCSW, Annual Conf. Durham, N.C. 2019.
The Hospice Movement: Easing Death’s Pains New York: Twayne Publishers, 1992.
“Is Patriarchy Inevitable: Revisiting the Freudian Myth” in Psychoanalytic Social Work (Refereed), 2020.
“What Do Patients Want?: Intersubjectivity” in Clinical Social Work Journal. (Refereed), 2011.
“Termination: When the Therapist Leaves, in Clinical Social Work Journal, Summer, 1991. (Refereed)
Luise Weinrich, D. Min., LCSW (Graduate and Clinical Journeys Faculty)
Second Prize, Diana Siskind Excellence in Writing Award for candidate papers, 2023: “Enlivening the dead mother: the transformative experience of uncovering and working with mutually dissociated shame.” Presenting at the upcoming 2023 AAPSCSW conference.
James Wells, LCSW-R (Graduate, Analytic and CATP Faculty)
Second Prize, Diana Siskind Excellence in Writing Award for candidate papers, 2021: “The experience of pregnancy for one expectant father and his patient.” Presented at the 2021 AAPCSW conference.
Non-Discrimination Statement
PPSC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or national/ethnic origin in the administration of its admissions and educational policies.