Clinical Journeys 2:
Evolution of Psychoanalytic Technique

** Available exclusively to graduaTes of Clinical Journeys **

In this second year of Clinical Journeys, graduates of our first year program join PPSC psychoanalytic candidates in an exploration of how psychoanalytic theories and interventions have evolved and influenced one another over time. As in the first year of Clinical Journeys, classes are anchored in clinical experiences, as we continue to apply relevant psychoanalytic concepts to situations you encounter every day. For students considering psychoanalytic training, your Clinical Journeys 2 course credit would be transferrable to your training requirements as a PPSC candidate. As with all PPSC courses, Clinical Journeys 2 is conducted via a hybrid model, with class sessions available either by Zoom or in-person in NYC.

Our application deadline is August 1, 2025.


I. General Information: 

• Clinical Journeys 2: Evolution of Technique comprises two 12-week semesters from September to May
• In 2025-26, classes will be held for an hour and 30 minutes on Monday evenings (time TBA).
• The Fall 2025 semester runs September through mid-December. Exact dates will be announced in the spring of 2025.
Tuition for each semester is $650 (totaling $1,300 for the year) with payment due before the first class of each semester. 
36 CEs are available for NYS LCSWs, LMSWs, LPs, LMHCs, LCATs, LMFTs, and licensed psychologists at the completion of the program.
• Clinical Journeys 2 graduates who become PPSC psychoanalytic candidates will receive full course credit for Evolution of Technique in our analytic curriculum.

II. Course Description: 

Clinical Journeys 2 immerses Clinical Journeys graduates in the psychoanalytic candidate experience as you join current PPSC psychoanalytic candidates for their required training course: Evolution of Technique.

Semester 1 focuses on the psychoanalytic strategies or techniques associated with a wide range of analysts. In our first semester, we will study selected works of Freud, Ferenczi, Balint, Lowenstein, Fenichel, Kris, Arlow, Schafer, Spillius, Sullivan, Levenson, Spotnitz, Margolis, and others. Each of these analysts favored a specific technical approach, based on a particular patient population or on the analyst’s theoretical stance. Along with the course readings, candidates are asked to observe their own techniques and begin to develop a rationale for them. 

Semester 2 extends our focus to the strategies of later theorists such as Kernberg, Kohut, A. Ornstein, M. Tolpin, Pine, A. Horner, R. Lax, Mitchell, Aron, Hoffman, Stolorow, Rothstein and others. As in semester one, each of these analysts favored a specific technical approach based on a particular patient population or on the analyst’s theoretical stance. Along with the course readings, candidates are asked to continue observing and developing a rationale for their own techniques.

Please note: Clinical Journeys 2: Evolution of Technique teaches from an LGBTQ+ positive, anti-racist perspective.  As such, our program incorporates readings and discussions designed to help clinicians better serve these populations. 

III. Application Process: 

1. To download our application, please click here. Applications are accepted from May 1 - August 1, 2025. 

2. Email your completed application form and CV to both and by August 1, 2025.

Please contact with any questions. 

Thank you for your interest in a second year of Clinical Journeys! 

PPSC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual preference, national or ethnic origin, or analytic orientation in the administration of its admissions and education policies.