The Power of Psychotherapy for Depression

It is no surprise to those of us who work as psychotherapists that real and substantive changes often result from talk therapy. Often these are subjective and self-reported, which can make it difficult for researchers to verify the many positive effects of psychotherapy. Now a new study has attempted to do just that, quantifying patient responses to a set of emotionally resonant questions by peering inside brain scans to detect levels of activity associated with strong mood swings.

The results were clear: psychotherapy shows a strong and beneficial effect, without any need for drugs or medical intervention:

Psychotherapy, the researchers explained, helps patients accept and gain insight into their dysfunctional relations, and as a result, patients do not become emotionally aroused when they are forced to confront their so-called “issues.” For anyone suffering depression, this study validates the benefits of drug-less psychotherapy. Going forward, the researchers expect to report a second follow-up study after 20 months of treatment.

Dealing with depression through counseling is a commonly accepted approach, and one that many millions of people have successfully undertaken in the last century. Here at PPSC, we offer depression therapy for patients that helps them understand the root issues and patterns that give rise to despairing thoughts. If you’d like to find expert analytic therapy today, contact us here.